Tai Chi is the exercise for the rest and best years of your life! Tai Chi combines gentle movements and deep breathing to build strength, balance and mental clarity. Many Tai Chi players experience improved quality of life after a few weeks practice, and are able to practice well into their golden years.
To learn more please attend our weekly classes. Walk-ins are welcome.
Tai Chi for Diabetes was developed by medical and Tai Chi experts to help people with Diabetes control blood sugar and improve overall health. The Center for Disease Control has endorsed this program as a safe effective exercise that is accessible to everyone!
Please join us on Tuesday August 15th from 12-1:30 pm for a free introductory workshop to Tai Chi for Diabetes. During this one hour workshop, we will explore if Tai Chi is the right exercise for you. Please wear loose comfortable clothing and flat soled shoes. We will register participants between 12-12:30 pm. Workshop begins promptly at 12:30 pm.
A six week Tai Chi for Diabetes Beginners class starts the following week, Tuesday August 22nd and runs through September 26th, 12:30-1:15 pm.To pre-register for the 6 week class, please contact Johnny at (262)949-4713 or via email at [email protected].
The workshop is free. The six week session costs $60.
All Classes at Williams Bay Lion’s Club Fieldhouse
Hwy. 67 & Stark St. Williams Bay WI. 53191
Tai Chi for Health and Happiness: For experienced students and busy beginners seeking an introduction to Tai Chi.
- Every Monday evening 5:00-6:00 pm
- 5 pack of classes for $35/ Walk ins $10
Gentle Tai Chi for Health & Happiness: For beginners with physical limitations and older students.
- Every Tuesday morning 10:30-11:30 am
- 5 pack of classes for $35/ Walk ins $10
Tai Chi for Diabetes: For beginners with diabetes seeking a safe effective exercise to control blood sugar and improve overall health.
- New six week sessions for beginners Tuesday August 22nd 12:30-1:15 pm
- Six week sessions ends September 26th and costs $60
- Brown bag lunch and self-care sharing from 12-12:30 pm before class
For more information call Johnny Packard at (262)949-4713
Hi Johnny, I studied Yang short form for healthTai Chi with Emily Smith in Edgerton for 1 1/2 years before she retired, 3 of my fellow students and I started a Tai Chi club here in Janesville using a Ben Lo, CD for the Yang Short form, we meet once a week for 2 hours, I had an experience this spring where I was asked to do a talk and demo at U Rock for Earthday, but then was declined because I am not “certified” as an instructor. I went to Burlington last year and checked out becoming an instructor, which is still a consideration but, the drive etc poses a problem in the long run, I work at a counseling clinic here and do some evenings at the same time of the classes there, saw your web page today, looks like you can teach towards a certification that would allow me to do the talks and demo’s I want to do in the future. will be in touch Garth
Hi Garth,
Certification in a simple Tai Chi for Health form can be obtained in an intensive weekend of training. Check out the Tai Chi for Health website for more information.
I had the honor and pleasure to train with Ben Lo for a few hours a couple years ago. He is a great teacher, and I’m sure the DVD is excellent, but you should definitely consider finding a teacher with whom you can train in person.